and still resides in Los Angeles, California
*Lead Singer for his band named Fly
(no longer together)
*Favorite Sports Team is The Sixers
*Has studied Martial Arts since age 7
dogs and two cats
*Owns a '69 Mustang
(Which he just sold)
produced an entire EP for the artist Overflo
four tattoo's. They are
initials on his hand, on his right shoulder he has a chief, a warrior, surrounded by a dragon and a snake. The dragon
represents his passion, and the snake represents his patience. His
stomach has both his dogs Sophie and Hondo. His next tattoo will be
of his new puppy, Butch.
plans on getting a shark tattoo one day as he says it's the only thing he
truly fears. *"I
love to fall in love. It's my favorite thing to do. I try to
do it at least once a day."