Johnny is a very mysterious person.
Maybe that mystery is part of the
appeal we all find in him, but this is
my version of a bio for him.
Johnny was born in Los
Angeles California where he still
resides with his three dogs and two
cats. Being born under the star
sign of Scorpio, Johnny possess a lot
of character traits that make him a
very driven individual.
Scorpio's are known for their passion,
magnetism, determination and
intensity. All traits that he
has proven to possess.
As a young boy, if he
couldn't sleep his family would often
read to him.
the first few sentences of anything
book, script, magazine, etc.. I just
want to fall asleep. That’s how my
family would get me to sleep when I
was a kid. Just start reading
something, and by the first page I was
out like a light."
the tender age of 7 he began studying
Martial Arts which led to his current
belief system and his desire not to
share his age.
Johnny is an avid
sports fan. His favorite sports
Ultimate fighting, Pride fighting,
boxing, K1 kickboxing and basketball.
His favorite team is the Sixers.
When he's not watching sports or
working on his music or acting career,
his favorite thing to do is take naps
with his dogs, Hondo, Sophie and
anyone that has seen The Fast and The
Furious, then you've probably noticed
the gorgeous ink on his right
shoulder. It's of a warrior
chief surrounded by a dragon and a
snake. The dragon represents his
passion and the snake represents his
patience which he says are in a
constant struggle with one another.
That isn't the only ink he has either.
On his stomach he has both his dogs,
Hondo and Sophie. The last
remaining tattoo is on his initials
between his thumb and index finger on
his hand. He says the next
tattoo he will get will be of his
newest puppy, Butch. One day, he
hopes to add the only thing that he
truly fears -- a shark.
having a music and film career, it's
easy to imagine he would be recognized
by people if he were out. So
what do you do when you see him?
Say hello. Tell him you enjoyed
a movie role or a song. Johnny
is one of the rarities among
celebrities today. He doesn't
mind the recognition. "I
think its great that my work is
admired. I work hard at what I do and
totally appreciate when people
recognize that."
relationships and life's raw emotions
are the fuel that feeds his creativity
and his endless talent. With so
much to offer and so much untapped
talent at his dispose, what's his
favorite thing to do?
"I love to fall in love. It's my
favorite thing to do. I try to do it
at least once a day."